Strong, focused, and full of attitude. Strands Lighting Division is introducing a new work light in the Dark Knight family: the Hardcore Mini. It has the same qualities as the original Hardcore in a slimmer package. The Zero Waste light technology and strong build mean you can trust it to provide excellent illumination in any environment. It’s a must-have for professionals working in demanding conditions.
Like all Dark Knight products, the Hardcore Mini is exceptionally durable. Its aluminum housing and durable polycarbonate make it well-suited for rough environments. The solid construction makes it highly resistant to shocks and vibrations, and can stand over 15 GRMS. Making it a perfect option for trucks, forest and construction machines, LCVs, and anything in between. It is labeled IP68/IP69K, ensuring its resistance to dirt and liquids.
The size of Dark Knight Hardcore Mini (71×32,2×101 mm incl. bracket) makes it a versatile option for any vehicle, and the EMC-certificate ECE R10, CISPR25 Class 3, provides high EMC protection. It produces 2222 actual lumens, and the Zero Waste light technology and color temperature of 5000 K provide powerful illumination that is easy on the eyes.
The Dark Knight series is all about undeniable design and quality. The Hardcore Mini boasts a solid dark look with a characteristic lens designed to complement and enhance your vehicle. At Strands Lighting Division, we want to provide you with a product you can trust in any environment. Therefore, as with all our products, the Dark Knight Hardcore Mini is delivered with a 3-year warranty.
- Type of LampLED
- Voltage (V DC)9-32V DC
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